Climate change is a natural phenomenon that is currently a serious issue, starting from the local, regional the international levels. The United Nations Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) has reported that climate change began in the 17th century when the world entered the Industrial 1.0 evolution. Climate change has become an increasingly lively discussion when […]
Author: Agus Firmansyah
Promoting Gender-Responsive Social Forestry Management Policy and Implementation
During President Joko Widodo’s leadership era, the government is committed to allocating 12.7 million state forest areas to communities through the Social Forestry (SF) program. Social Forestry is made a national priority program in the context of national economic equality by providing land access, opportunities, and Community Resources (HR) capacity. In this case, SF provides […]
Environmental Ethics Affirmation Of Nahdatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah After Receiving Coal Mining Concessions from The Indonesian Government
Nahdatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, the two largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, approach environmental ethics through the lens of Islamic teachings, which emphasize stewardship (khalifah) and care for creation as an integral part of faith. Both organizations promote sustainable living, environmental justice, and ecological balance as part of their religious duties. NU’s perspective on environmental […]