In the midst of the increasingly urgent challenges of climate change and the ever-increasing need for energy, Indonesia is now at a crossroads in determining the direction of its energy policy. One of the strategic steps taken is the development of nuclear energy, which is seen as a solution to achieve the Net Zero Emission […]
Author: Ahmad Sabirin
Promoting Energy Security in the Face of Climate Change: Biomass Policy as a Sustainable Solution in Indonesia
Indonesia, as the world’s fourth-most populous archipelagic country, faces serious challenges related to climate change and increasing energy needs. With rising global temperatures and the increasingly pronounced impacts of climate change, such as floods, droughts, and rising sea levels, Indonesia needs to find solutions that not only meet energy needs but are also sustainable and […]
Innovation and Challenges: Renewable Energy Policies in Indonesia’s Transportation Sector
Indonesia, the fourth-most populous country in the world, faces serious challenges in managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the transportation sector. With the sector’s contribution to total energy emissions reaching 27% in 2019, the government has established policies and strategies to encourage the transition to renewable energy, primarily through the use of electric vehicles […]